Wondering if you can get buy without an SR22 insurance policy? Take a look at this guide to learn more about SR22 insurance and what it covers.
All of the 18.2 million registered vehicles on the road in Florida are supposed to be insured. For the majority of us, that simply means finding a company and buying insurance.
But for some people, this means buying an extra certificate proving that they have fulfilled this obligation. There are certain times when Florida drivers must also purchase SR22 insurance.
If you’ve been notified that you need SR22 nsurance and are wondering what that means and covers, keep reading!
What Is SR22 insurance?
While it is often referred to as separate insurance, it is actually an endorsement on your auto insurance policy. When you purchase this extra endorsement, the insurance company will notify the state that you bought insurance.
This filing by the insurance company officially certifies that you have the state minimum required insurance. So you have 10/20 bodily injury and $10,000 property damage.
If at any time you let your insurance lapse, the insurance company is required to notify the DMV. You will then get a not-so-nice letter informing you that your insurance has terminated and you are now in trouble.
The only way an SR22 certificate can get sent to the DMV is by an insurance company. There is no way to obtain and send in an SR22 certificate yourself.
Why You Would Need It
If the state deems you as a high-risk driver, then it has a vested interest in protecting the rest of society from you. Because of this, you will be required to prove that you maintain continuous insurance coverage.
Another reason you need it is if you get caught driving without insurance. Since insurance is mandatory in the state of Florida, this should never happen.
If you are caught driving while intoxicated or while under the influence in another state. Once you get your license back, you might have to buy SR22.
You may need SR22 insurance if you have received too many violations in a short period of time even if they don’t fall into the serious category we listed.
Essentially if your license gets suspended due to an accident or multiple infractions too quickly, then it is likely you’ll have to buy an SR22 endorsement.
How Long Must You Have It?
The standard amount of time required for most cases is three years. Though the time you’re required amount of time can vary depending on your particular situation. The DMV will tell you exactly how long you must have it.
How Quickly Is It Processed?
When you quote and buy through a reputable insurance broker, your filing will get processed electronically. Then it will only take 24 to 48 hours to process.
Not Everyone Offers It
Once the DMV requires that you buy SR22 insurance, insurance companies deem you as high-risk. Since they are in the business to make money, insuring high-risk drivers is counterproductive.
Because of this, many insurance companies will choose not to insure those who need an SR22 endorsement. Those that do offer SR22 endorsements will charge a premium for the service.
What If You Don’t Own a Vehicle?
If you don’t own a vehicle but are required to have SR22 insurance, you will have a tougher time finding an insurance company. Some insurance companies offer non-owner SR22 insurance.
This type of insurance will provide coverage if you injure someone else while driving a vehicle that you don’t own. Your policy will also cover property damage that you cause.
One important thing to take note of is that these non-owner policies do not typically cover personal injury if you get hurt in the accident. If you want this coverage added you could ask, some insurance companies will add it to your policy.
Avoiding the SR22 Requirement
It is easy to avoid having to buy the SR22 addition to your insurance. All you have to do is maintain your insurance policy and follow the rules of the road.
Don’t drive if you’ve decided to drink. This is the most common reason people are required to have SR22 insurance.
What About FR44 Insurance?
The main difference between SR22 and FR44 requirements is that FR44 insurance requires much higher liability limits. After you get a DUI, you most likely will have this additional requirement placed on you to be able to get your license reinstated. The time required you have it is generally the same though at three years.
Having this requirement placed on you puts you at significant risk of having your insurance company vastly increase your rates or straight up drop you. This will make finding new insurance even more difficult as a “canceled” on your record is quite damaging.
The increase limits required for an FR44 certificate are 100/300/50 for your liability limits.
The Cost of SR22 Insurance
Auto insurance in Florida is not cheap; in fact, it’s in the top three most expensive in the country. But for those who have to purchase SR22 or FR44 insurance their costs can double.
The smartest thing you can do is shop around. Compare at three different companies before choosing one. The best strategy is to work with a broker who is familiar with the various insurance companies.
Get the Right Insurance
If you are not sure of what insurance you need it is best to consult a professional. They can help you work through the process of finding the right insurance company for your needs.
SR22 insurance is not something to be messed with or ignored. So if you find yourself in a position of needing it, don’t hesitate to start shopping around.
Contact us today if you still have questions about sr22 insurance.